I am writing my phd thesis with the excellent
style. Thanks a lot for providing such a perfect looking style.However a problem occurs with long section or chapter titles. In the text and in the toc they are wrapped correctly. In the head they are too wide and cross the margin of the page.
Is there a way to break/wrap the headline ?
If not:
According to http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2htm ... headtoobig there is a workaround to use optional shorter names using
and \chaptermark
.This works in the
for all upcoming pages. However on the page where the section or chapter starts itself, it does not take the \*mark
but the long version that doesn't fit. Adding the \sectionmark
in the obligatory section parameter doesn't help:
Code: Select all
\section[title for TOC]{Very long title that unfortunately doesn't fit into
the headline\sectionmark{short title}}
\sectionmark{short title}}
Thanks for your help,