I just installed Winedt 5.5 and whenever I open it, it automatically opens a file called "Acrobat OpenDoc.edt" and it there are 126 lines of code in that file and it highlights the line number 106 that says, DDEOpen('%$("AcroRead")',"acroview","control",0);
When I create a DVI file by executing the code, it does so successfully but also a pop up window comes up, with the heading, "Warning" and it says,
Code: Select all
Cannot Open DDE link to:
"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Readder\AcroRd32.exe"
Service: acroview
Topic: control
DDEOpen('%$("AcroRead")',"acroview","control", 0);
Is there a problem in my acrobat reader installation or in my Winedt installation ?
Please help me as I am using Winedt for the first time.