Assignments, Laboratory books and reportsOptimization of this template/ feature request

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Optimization of this template/ feature request

Post by templateuser »

I just started to use this template and I really like the way it is structured, but I have some issues in documenting some of the following.

I am interested in knowing, how to use this template when the experiments run for multiple days. For instance, I start a experiment today and then I continue some steps tomorrow and few more day after... The I would like to document this with respect to date/day.

For instance, I can use the steps as \subexperiment within a (new) \labday. Then I observe, the substep is numbered as 0.1 in the table content and elsewhere in the document.

Also, what is the best way to document multiple experiments that runs for multiple days?

I am a novice with respect to Latex...


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Optimization of this template/ feature request

Post by Vel »


Each experiment you perform is defined uniquely in the "DEFINITION OF EXPERIMENTS" block. Thus, if you have an experiment that runs over multiple days, or is recurring through time, you just refer to it with \experiment{expname} in each \labday{} where you perform it. Likewise, if you work on several experiments in one day, you just include several \experiment{expname1}, \experiment{expname2}, etc in that one day.

The reason that you had sub-experiments come up at 0.1 is that you didn't first include an \experiment{} before them.

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