Getting a lot of errors while compiling the tex file with Texmaker in Ubutnu because some of the fonts are missing. Can you specify which fonts that you are using in this resume, so that I can just download them? But an awesome resume!
Curricula Vitae / Résumés ⇒ What fonts does this template use?
Re: What fonts does this template use?
This template uses Hoefler Text as the main font, Zapfino for the “Curriculum Vitae” text near the top and Gill Sans for your name at the very top. These fonts are distributed with Mac OS by default but you may be able to obtain them elsewhere or change them to fonts that are included with Ubuntu.
This template uses Hoefler Text as the main font, Zapfino for the “Curriculum Vitae” text near the top and Gill Sans for your name at the very top. These fonts are distributed with Mac OS by default but you may be able to obtain them elsewhere or change them to fonts that are included with Ubuntu.
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