Curricula Vitae / RésumésPublication not showing up right

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Publication not showing up right

Post by templateuser »

So this is my .bib

Code: Select all

  AUTHOR = {Banderas, Antonio},
  TITLE = {{Robustness of the Code Under Malicious Attacks}},
  JOURNAL = {{muroFNI}},
  PUBLISHER = {muroFNI},
  VOLUME = {1},
  NUMBER = {1},
  PAGES = {359--370},
  YEAR = {2013},
  MONTH = Sep,
  KEYWORDS = {portugal}
And this is what I am getting after compiling:
output.png (25.39 KiB) Viewed 2181 times
As you can see, the last line is definitely not appearing correctly... What have I got wrong?

P.S. By the way, I added a new section, so now (as you can see in the image) the publications section does not get colored, what should I add to the .cls to get a new color for it?


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Publication not showing up right

Post by Vel »


Have a look here for the fields that inproceedings requires and can take: According to this:

Required fields: author, title, booktitle, year

Optional fields: editor, volume/number, series, pages, address, month, organization, publisher, note, key

I'd also have a look at the bibliography.bib file that comes with the template since that also includes a couple inproceedings examples.

Regarding your second question about the coloring of the section, open up friggeri-cv.cls and find the line: \newcounter{colorCounter}. See how there's a bunch of colors following by \or in that block? Just add a new one to that of your choosing and make sure to define it in the same way the rest of the colors are defined in the Colors block of friggeri-cv.cls.

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