I am using MacOS X and TeXShop 3.23. I tried compiling an edited version of the CV, using XeLaTeX typeset, but keep getting several "Undefined control sequence" errors. (They are showing up for \header and \href. Not sure if there are others.)
Also, if I remove the \header and \href lines to try to bypass those issues, I am getting an "Environment aside undefined." error as well for the \begin{aside} line.
It seems like I am missing something from my compilation. I think I've updated everything properly with TeX Live. Any help would be appreciated!
When I try to completely remove certain lines from the CV (for example, I want to remove a few of the \item lines), and then compile, it compiles properly, but the header disappears entirely from the document.
What happens when you compile it again after that? Some things, like the header in this template, can require 2 compiles before the document is as it should be.
Founder and administrator of LaTeXTemplates.com and LaTeXTypesetting.com
One more question:
If I am doing a standalone section with a list of items (using the \item) command, it compiles fine, but there is too much spacing between the item lines. Any idea how to fix this? I tried playing with the \begin{itemize} and \end{itemize} commands but no luck.