Curricula Vitae / RésumésSection layout question

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Section layout question

Post by templateuser »

Hi Vel,

Is there a way to lay out a new section so that each item in the section conforms to the following layout:

- There is a left-aligned bolded title word/subtitle
- The accompanying descriptor text/details for each item is aligned with the rest of the indented text in the CV. (Each item would need to allow for multiple lines of text.)

Any help would be most appreciated!


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Section layout question

Post by templateuser »

I think I figured this out. I am using the {description} tag, which seems to work. I am still trying to figure out how to tab the accompanying descriptor text/details for each item, though.

Also, is there a way for me to modify the bottom border of the main section of the CV? I would like to keep the CV to one page and there is only one small section showing up on the second page.

I've tried the following command but it creates a lot more layout issues that it resolves:


used in the preamble, and


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Section layout question

Post by Vel »


Regarding tabbing text to match up with the text to the right of the dates, you can find the way the structure is defined in the "% List environment %" section in friggeri-cv.cls. It's basically a table with 2 left-aligned columns taking up the full width that it can (\textwidth) and the width of the right column (storing the text) is 11.8cm. All you need to do is recreate this for your custom section and it will be identically spaced.

To reduce the bottom margin find the "% Other tweaks %" section at the very bottom of friggeri-cv.cls and change bottom=2.5cm to a smaller value in \RequirePackage[left=6.1cm,top=2cm,right=1.5cm,bottom=2.5cm,nohead,nofoot]{geometry}.

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