Theses, Books, Title pagesHow do I get in Appendices Appendix appears in the header

Classicthesis, Bachelor and Master thesis, PhD, Doctoral degree
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How do I get in Appendices Appendix appears in the header

Post by templateuser »

Place appendages in the template, but in the header of each page tells me chapter, instead of appendix, as I do to change me to Appendix chapter, thank you very much.


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Stefan Kottwitz
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How do I get in Appendices Appendix appears in the header

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Usually this is simply done by starting the appendix by


in the document.

However, currently the template doesn't respect the changes made by this command. You can fix it by adding


The template itself could be fixed by changing that line in structure.tex (PAGE HEADERS section):

Code: Select all

\thechapter.\ #1}{}} % Chapter text font settings

Code: Select all

\thechapter.\ #1}{}} % Chapter text font settings
The reason is, \appendix in the book class does this:

Code: Select all

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How do I get in Appendices Appendix appears in the header

Post by sdey15 »

I am very new to LaTex. So please excuse if my language is technically incorrect/incomplete.

My .sty file has this command that you mentioned to be a default for the \appendix command in books.

Code: Select all

I am not able to figure out where I should implement the changes your suggested in order to get an "Appendix" header instead of the "Chapter" header for the appendix section. Please help.
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