Presentations and PostersChanging the size to 36" by 24"

Beamer, Powerdot and KOMA-Script presentations, Conference posters (a0poster, baposter, tikzposter)
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Changing the size to 36" by 24"

Post by templateuser »

I would like to change the size of the poster to 36" X 24". It appeared as if the columns would adjust automatically with the new width. However once I change the size the columns don't change at all and the top title doesn't remain centered.


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Changing the size to 36" by 24"

Post by Vel »

Hey Jake,

Hmm that's odd, you'd think that adjusting those values should adjust everything else automatically since everything is a proportion of \linewidth. I don't have the time to figure out why this is happening at the moment but the solution is to do the following:

1) Set \paperwidth to 36in and \paperheight to 24in in main.tex
2) Change \usepackage[scale=1.24]{beamerposter} to \usepackage[scale=0.8]{beamerposter} in main.tex3) Change \setlength{\paperwidth}{118.82cm} to \setlength{\paperwidth}{80cm} in beamerposter.sty just after "%a0" on line 49.

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Re: Changing the size to 36" by 24"

Post by templateuser »


That worked great! Thanks for the help. I have one other question, I have only been able to edit this document on the online editors because my local editors say it is missing the translator.sty. Do you know where I can find that file? It didn't come in the zip with the other files.

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Re: Changing the size to 36" by 24"

Post by Vel »

Hey Jake,

Excellent, glad that helped!

You can pick up translator.sty from CTAN here: ... translator

Just download it and put it in the same directory as the poster and your compiler will pick it up!

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Changing the size to 36" by 24"

Post by ktmac »


I am also trying to change the size of the poster, but to 42" by 30". I implemented the same sort of changes as the previous user Jake, but I am having problems as the document is made un-centered and runs off the right edge. I'm wondering if this aspect ratio is just un-doable for the template, or if there might be an easy fix for this.

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Changing the size to 36" by 24"

Post by Johannes_B »

Do not change package files. Please immediately unchange the file beamerposter.sty, or delete it and unzip the template again.

Many templates are buggy. Here, not only the template, but also the package it relies onare buggy.

Add the following to your document:

Code: Select all

\setlength{\paperwidth}{42in} % A0 width: 46.8in
\setlength{\paperheight}{30in} % A0 height: 33.1in
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Changing the size to 36" by 24"

Post by ktmac »

Thanks so much! The fix worked perfectly.
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Changing the size to 36" by 24"

Post by cgnieder »

templateuser wrote:I have only been able to edit this document on the online editors because my local editors say it is missing the translator.sty. Do you know where I can find that file? It didn't come in the zip with the other files.
Vel wrote:You can pick up translator.sty from CTAN here: ... translator

Just download it and put it in the same directory as the poster and your compiler will pick it up!
Please don't do this! Probably half of the “bug reports” I get regarding my packages are because people installed single files or single packages instead of doing a proper update.

Just update your TeX distribution (TeX Live or MiKTeX, presumably) using the corresponding package manager.

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