What would it take to change the size of the page?
On the same occasion, what are standard sizes for books in print?
Theses, Books, Title pages ⇒ Changing page size
Changing page size
Changing the paper size is quite easy in this template, all you need to do is go to main.tex and find this line:
You'll notice that the template currently uses the a4 paper size, in order to change this to something else simply replace
Good luck!
Changing the paper size is quite easy in this template, all you need to do is go to main.tex and find this line:
\usepackage[top=3cm,bottom=3cm,left=3.2cm,right=3.2cm,headsep=10pt,a4paper]{geometry} % Page margins
You'll notice that the template currently uses the a4 paper size, in order to change this to something else simply replace
with a0paper
, a1paper
, ..., a6paper
, b0paper
, b1paper
, ..., b6paper
, letterpaper
, legalpaper
or executivepaper
. If the size you want causes alignment issues with regards to chapter heads or something else you may need to manually adjust their positions in the structure.tex
file.Good luck!
Founder and administrator of LaTeXTemplates.com and LaTeXTypesetting.com
- Posts: 679
- Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:01 pm
Re: Changing page size
Thanks. My worry was mainly with all the other adjustments. Once successful (?) I will update the forum.
- Posts: 679
- Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:01 pm
Changing page size
OK, here is a specific question: how should I modify the chapter image page after setting the following geometry:
Code: Select all
showcrop]{geometry} % Page margins
Re: Changing page size
How do you want to modify it? I tried what you said and the chapter image position was unchanged.
Founder and administrator of LaTeXTemplates.com and LaTeXTypesetting.com
Changing page size
I tried this but it doesn't work. what exactly commands I should use?
I tried
\usepackage[a5paper,top=2cm,bottom=2cm,left = 2.5cm,right=2cm,headsep=7pt]{geometry}
in the structure.tex but still have problem with the margin.
My point is to print it in a p5 format. I couldn't adjust the margin also the parts pages (part one & part two ) ahve a problem.
Can anyone help me to fix this?
I tried
\usepackage[a5paper,top=2cm,bottom=2cm,left = 2.5cm,right=2cm,headsep=7pt]{geometry}
in the structure.tex but still have problem with the margin.
My point is to print it in a p5 format. I couldn't adjust the margin also the parts pages (part one & part two ) ahve a problem.
Can anyone help me to fix this?