First I'd like to say this template looks really cool and I'm excited to be using it for a big project I'm going to be working on!
I have a question about the chapter headings. There is a part where there is a grayed out box that lists the chapter sections.
Is there a way to:
a) have the chapter sections numbered
b) have the gray box fit exactly the space that the text in the box takes up
c) a & b
d) have the box not appear there at all.
I apologize for making this question look like it's multiple choice! Thanks for any help!
Theses, Books, Title pages ⇒ Chapter Headings
Chapter Headings
Hey Andrew,
Awesome, this is a really cool template so I'm glad you're going to get some good use out of it!
Regarding your questions,
a) For numbering the sections go to structure.tex and find the "MINI TABLE OF CONTENTS IN CHAPTER HEADS" section on line 52. Edit it to the following:
You might want to play around with the spacing to suit your needs but I think that looks quite good.
b, c and d) The code that controls the box can be found under the "CHAPTER HEADINGS" of
Good luck!
Awesome, this is a really cool template so I'm glad you're going to get some good use out of it!
Regarding your questions,
a) For numbering the sections go to structure.tex and find the "MINI TABLE OF CONTENTS IN CHAPTER HEADS" section on line 52. Edit it to the following:
Code: Select all
Code, edit and compile here:
% Section text styling\titlecontents{lsection}[1em] % Indendating{\footnotesize\sffamily} % Font settings{\contentslabel[\thecontentslabel]{2em}}{}{}% Subsection text styling\titlecontents{lsubsection}[1.5em] % Indentation{\normalfont\footnotesize\sffamily} % Font settings{}{}{}
b, c and d) The code that controls the box can be found under the "CHAPTER HEADINGS" of
on line 267. You can remove it entirely by commenting out the 3 lines under "%Commenting the 3 lines below removes the small contents box in the chapter heading
". As for width, you can also change it using those three lines but I'll leave it to you to figure out how.Good luck!
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Re: Chapter Headings
Thanks for your help, it's really appreciated!
- Posts: 679
- Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:01 pm
Re: Chapter Headings
I was trying to remove the subsections that appear in the table of contents in the chapters heads. Is it possible?
I have a lot of subsections and it is broking the layout.
I was trying to remove the subsections that appear in the table of contents in the chapters heads. Is it possible?
I have a lot of subsections and it is broking the layout.
Chapter Headings
Find this line in structure.tex:
Change the
Find this line in structure.tex:
Code: Select all
\node[anchor=north west] at (1cm,.25cm) {\parbox[t][8cm][t]{6.5cm}{\huge\bfseries\flushleft \printcontents{l}{1}{\setcounter{tocdepth}{2}}}};
in that line to \setcounter{tocdepth}{1}
Founder and administrator of LaTeXTemplates.com and LaTeXTypesetting.com
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Re: Chapter Headings
It works perfectly!
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- Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:01 pm
Chapter Headings
Is it possible to set
on 1 for some chapters and on 2 for others?DRe
Re: Chapter Headings
I think the best way to do this would be to introduce a binary flag (true/false) at the start of structure.tex and then do an if check for the line I commented on above so if the flag is, say, true, then it will print the version with tocdepth at 2 and if it's false it will print the version with depth at 1. You can then change the value of the flag before each chapter starts.
I think the best way to do this would be to introduce a binary flag (true/false) at the start of structure.tex and then do an if check for the line I commented on above so if the flag is, say, true, then it will print the version with tocdepth at 2 and if it's false it will print the version with depth at 1. You can then change the value of the flag before each chapter starts.
Founder and administrator of LaTeXTemplates.com and LaTeXTypesetting.com
- Posts: 679
- Joined: Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:01 pm
Re: Chapter Headings
Works perfectly. Thanks!