Theses, Books, Title pageserror when using the commands \frontmatter, \mainmatter

Classicthesis, Bachelor and Master thesis, PhD, Doctoral degree
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error when using the commands \frontmatter, \mainmatter

Post by templateuser »

I'm doing my undergraduate thesis, and structure of the document given by the commands \frontmatter, \mainmatter and \backmatter is excellent, as these do this:

The frontmatter chapters will not be numbered. Page numbers will be
printed in roman numerals. Frontmatter is not supposed to have sections,
since they will be number 0.n because there is no chapter numbering. Check the Counters chapter for a fix.
The mainmatter chapters works as usual. The command resets the page numbering. Page numbers will be printed in arabic numerals.
The backmatter behaves like the frontmatter. It has the same issue with section numbering.
but I get the following error when included in the template.

Missing } inserted \begin{theindex}

I'll be doing that badly, eg Stand "\frontmatter" after "\begin{document}"

Note: This error can be fixed by removing all \index{....} and removing lines

Code: Select all

%    INDEX



but another problem is that after overcoming the above error and compile correctly, so far after each command does not display correctly, eg after the command \frontmatter the image that is in the "index" disappears, despeus of \mainmatter the text looks ugly and plain, different without this command, I would like to use these commands could keep the document well, thank you very much

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error when using the commands \frontmatter, \mainmatter

Post by Vel »


This template is for writing a book rather than a thesis. Naturally, you're welcome to use it for what you'd like but be aware that you may run into problems like this when doing so.

I'm not sure why this is happening. You can emulate the behavior of those commands by using \chapter*{Chapter Title} and \pagenumbering{roman} in your frontmatter and backmatter chapters and then resetting this back to default for the main chapters.

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error when using the commands \frontmatter, \mainmatter

Post by templateuser »


It is used for the thesis because it is extremely nice and clean view of the jury of the thesis, this question comes a strange error with a command like this as essential, then how would

How do I reset all the counter by 1 and in Arabic numerals?

Thank you very much, I hope you find the error in the template so it can be used with latex commands
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