Page LayoutFootnote in figure caption

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Footnote in figure caption

Post by jannetta »

Hi Folks!

I am trying to add footnotes to the caption of a figure. Just using \footnote did not want to work and was producing several errors. After lots of googling I found something that is almost working but not quite. Rather than trying more solutions it would be great if someone can help me to fix this solution to work as it has, so far, produced the best results. I found the solution here: ... c-solution

If I compile the solution on my system it works fine, i.e. just cutting it from the web page and pasting it to a document on my system like this:

Code: Select all


\usepackage{hyperref}% if you want/for demonstration of  hyperlinks


Text\footnote{text1} Text\footnote{text2}

\item X\tablefootnote{a}
\item Y\tablefootnote{b}
\item Z\tablefootnote{c}



Just to get another page to demonstrate the hyperlinks.

The next thing I tried was to add an image. To do this I had to include some packages, so I just included the all the includes from my document. This works perfectly for the footnotes but the image is out of place. Following is that document:

Code: Select all

\documentclass[11pt, a4paper, oneside, onecolumn, openany]{book}    % Current
\setlength{\parskip}{\medskipamount} \setlength{\parindent}{0em}
\usepackage{ae,aecompl,amsbsy,amssymb,eurosym, graphics, graphicx, mathptmx, setspace}
\usepackage{epsfig, multicol, multirow, paralist}
\usepackage[printonlyused]{acronym} %Acronyms

	Text\footnote{text2} Text\footnote{text3}
			\item X\tablefootnote{a4}
			\item Y\tablefootnote{b5}
			\item Z\tablefootnote{c6}


	Just to get another page to demonstrate the hyperlinks.
Ignoring the out-of-place image, I created a test document that is a stripped down version of my document. In this case the problem appears. On the page where the footnotes are the \tablefootnotes appear twice, starting the number at 0 for the first instance and then, for the second instance, the numbering is correct. It is difficult to explain. So, below, I'll include the code and then I'll attach the pdf.

If anyone can shed some light on this problem for me, YOU'LL BE MY HERO. :D

Code: Select all

\documentclass[11pt, a4paper, oneside, onecolumn, openany]{book}    % Current
\setlength{\parskip}{\medskipamount} \setlength{\parindent}{0em}
\usepackage{ae,aecompl,amsbsy,amssymb,eurosym, graphics, graphicx, mathptmx, setspace}
\usepackage{epsfig, multicol, multirow, paralist}
\usepackage[printonlyused]{acronym} %Acronyms


\chapter{Test Chapter} 
Computational models are mathematical models of systems such as are found in biology, physics, weather systems etc. Such models can be used to predict the behaviour of these systems in an effort to develop interventions which help to control our environment. By predicting weather systems we can safeguard ourselves against extreme weather conditions or plan our crops to avoid failures. In physics, models serve the purpose of discovering the origins of the universe and predicting what the future might hold for us. In biology, computational models serve to provide a better understanding of the way our bodies work as part of our effort to fight disease and prolong life\footnote{stuff}.

		\caption{From left to right: \textit{Caenorhabditis elegans}\tablefootnote{A footnote}, \textit{Drosophila melanogaster}\tablefootnote{Another footnote}, \textit{Saccharomyces cerevisiae}, \textit{Danio rerio}.}

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Footnote in figure caption

Post by Johannes_B »

You can use package threeparttable. This way you can put the footnots right below the object, which is where they belong.
As you noticed, the picture can float away, making you intervene by hand. This can mess up everything right before you want to submit your paper or thesis.

I really recommend not to use footnotes on the bottom of the page.
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Re: Footnote in figure caption

Post by jannetta »

Hi Johannes

If not at the bottom of the page, where then would you say is the appropriate place to put them and how?
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Footnote in figure caption

Post by Johannes_B »

When it comes to floating objects, they should they right with the object.

I just noticed, that threeparttable is a little bit quirky, please see the following example. As stated in the documentation, there is nothing automatic here, everything relies on manual work. Pity.

Code: Select all

\documentclass[11pt, a4paper, oneside, onecolumn, openany]{book}

\chapter{Test Chapter}
Computational models are mathematical models of systems such as
are found in biology, physics, weather systems etc. Such models
can be used to predict the behaviour of these systems in an
effort to develop interventions which help to control our
environment. By predicting weather systems we can safeguard
ourselves against extreme weather conditions or plan our crops to
avoid failures. In physics, models serve the purpose of
discovering the origins of the universe and predicting what the
future might hold for us. In biology, computational models serve
to provide a better understanding of the way our bodies work as
part of our effort to fight disease and prolong

		\caption{From left to right: \species{Caenorhabditis
		elegans}\tnote{a}, \species{Drosophila melanogaster}\tnote{b},
		\species{Saccharomyces cerevisiae}, \species{Danio rerio}.}
		\item [a] A footnote
		\item [b] Another footnote
Btw: A lot of the packages you are using are obsolete.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Footnote in figure caption

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

The common way for adding footnotes to a floating object is
  • keeping it within the environment, such as directly below the table or figure,
  • using different symbols. For example, if normal footnotes are numbered 1, 2, 3, ... table footnotes may get a, b, c.
That's the case with footnotes in a minipage by default in LaTeX. So, possible solutions are minipage and threeparttable.

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Re: Footnote in figure caption

Post by jannetta »

Okay, I have followed your suggestions and implemented the threeparttable. Just on question though. The caption says "Table 1.1". I want it to be Figure. How can I change that?
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Re: Footnote in figure caption

Post by ghuczek »

The caption is in the figure environment. Would this work for you?


Then change it back later if other figures need proper captioning.

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Re: Footnote in figure caption

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

I guess it was meant the other way round.

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Re: Footnote in figure caption

Post by jannetta »

Yes, the other way round :-)


It worked!

Thank you all for your help :D
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Footnote in figure caption

Post by jannetta »

I have another problem now. The boxes around my figures disappeared. I had to remove the following lines from my preamble because they were messing up the caption and footnote order. I don't really understand what they all do.

Code: Select all

% Program floats
\floatname{dir}{Directory Listing}

% Ruled float
I would also like to change the font of the footnotes to be smaller like those that are at the bottom of the page. How would I do that?
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