I would like to make a poster with latex (paper size A0).
What templates/options/settings can I use for this?
General ⇒ making a poster with latex
making a poster with latex
Last edited by karly1 on Tue Feb 10, 2015 3:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Stefan Kottwitz
- Site Admin
- Posts: 10290
- Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:44 pm
making a poster with latex
Welcome to the forum!
tikzposter is a pretty new package with very fancy and colorful design, coming with some templates. You could have a look at Elena's

page for seeing screenshots of templates of that package version.Stefan
LaTeX.org admin
Re: making a poster with latex
Hi Stefan,
In tikzposter, do you know how to separate the title into multiple lines?
It seems using \\ does not work.
In tikzposter, do you know how to separate the title into multiple lines?
It seems using \\ does not work.
- Johannes_B
- Site Moderator
- Posts: 4182
- Joined: Thu Nov 01, 2012 4:08 pm
making a poster with latex
Can you make a minimal working example that lets us test any possible solutions right away?
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
making a poster with latex
Code: Select all
\documentclass{tikzposter} %Options for format can be included here
% Title, Author, Institute
\title{This is a very very very very long title that should be separated into multiple lines}
\titlegraphic{LogoGraphic Inserted Here}
%Choose Layout
% Title block with title, author, logo, etc.
\block{Basic Block}{Text}
% FIRST column
\column{0.6}% Width set relative to text width
\block{Large Column}{Text\\Text\\Text Text Text}
\note{Note with default behavior}
\note[targetoffsetx=12cm, targetoffsety=-1cm, angle=20, rotate=25]
{Note \\ offset and rotated}
% First column - second block
\block{Block titles with enough text will automatically obey spacing requirements }
% First column - third block
\block{Sample Block 4}{T\\E\\S\\T}
% SECOND column
%Second column with first block's top edge aligned with with previous column's top.
% Second column - first block
\block[titleleft]{Smaller Column}{Test}
% Second column - second block
\block[titlewidthscale=0.6, bodywidthscale=0.8]
{Variable width title}{Block with smaller width.}
% Second column - third block
\block{}{Block with no title}
% Second column - A collection of blocks in subcolumn environment.
\subcolumn{0.27} \block{1}{First block.} \block{2}{Second block}
\subcolumn{0.4} \block{Sub-columns}{Sample subblocks\\Second subcolumn}
\subcolumn{0.33} \block{4}{Fourth} \block{}{Final Subcolumn block}
% Bottomblock
\block{Final Block in column}{
Sample block.
\block[titleleft, titleoffsetx=2em, titleoffsety=1em, bodyoffsetx=2em,%
bodyoffsety=-2cm, roundedcorners=10, linewidth=0mm, titlewidthscale=0.7,%
bodywidthscale=0.9, bodyverticalshift=2cm, titleright]
{Block outside of Columns}{Along with several options enabled}
- Stefan Kottwitz
- Site Admin
- Posts: 10290
- Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:44 pm
making a poster with latex
You could use a parbox, such as
\title{\parbox{.5\textwidth}{This is a very very very very long title
that should be separated into multiple lines}}
LaTeX.org admin