I'm relatively new to LaTeX and TeXShop. I just started to convert my documents to TeX/LaTeX to regain freedom and get rid of all those office suites.
I started with creating my invoice template with TeXShop, which worked pretty well and the created .pdf is perfect. Because I use this template regulary and because I'm fond of Unix I wanted to create a shellscript as a wrapper to create .PDFs from this TeXShop created .tex file. I checked the TeXShop config and saw that it's using pdflatex with the following options:
Code: Select all
pdflatex --file-line-error --shell-escape --synctex=1
Does anyone have an idea what could cause this?
Is there some kind of logfile where I could see which exact command TeXShop is issuing to create the .pdf from .tex?
The log file TeXShop creates is not really helpful...
Thanks in advance,