GeneralWith a bibliography file, how to get references chapterwise

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With a bibliography file, how to get references chapterwise

Post by pallav »

I am very weak in latex. I want to use one bib file and using it I want to get references at the end of a each chapter of a book. I have tried a lot, used chapterbib package for that. But the citations are showing as question mark.

Code: Select all

The chapter11

Code: Select all

\chapter{1st chapter}
Instead of simply listing headings of different levels we recommend to
let every heading be followed by at least a short passage of text.
Further on please use the \cite{ji2010qualitative,sih1987prey} .....
The chapter22 file

Code: Select all

\chapter{2nd chapetr}
Some text and a reference to \cite{chen2009leslie}. But also have a look in \cite{bazykin1998nonlinear}...
The ref file is attached herewith. I am badly need a solution of the. Please help.
The output pdf file where citation are coming as question mark
(11.8 KiB) Downloaded 288 times
bib file
(1.99 KiB) Downloaded 181 times

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With a bibliography file, how to get references chapterwise

Post by Johannes_B »

I suggest to use biblatex for that. It is much more modern.
I wrote a bit about chapterwise bibliographies a short while back.

One importatnt thing you always need to remember: Run the helper program bibtex (or biber with biblatex).
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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