GeneralBest of two tests for empty argument

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Best of two tests for empty argument

Post by woj-k »

Hi everyone,

I'm recently using a lot of macros that have to check if an argument is supplied empty (usually an optional argument, but I don't suppose that matters). In other people's code I noticed two typical ways of doing it in plain LaTeX.

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\newcommand*{\detokenizetest}[1][]{\if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax Empty.\else Not empty.\fi}
\newcommand*{\emptytest}[1][]{\def\optional{#1}\ifx\optional\empty Empty.\else Not empty.\fi}




My question is: is there any way in which one of the above is superior to the other, or could either fail in certain circumstances? Is \ifx effectively a shorthand for \if and \detokenize{}, or do I have this all wrong in my head?

Many thanks for any advice! (and happy holidays)

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Re: Best of two tests for empty argument

Post by Johannes_B »

Package etoolbox provides some general facilities for testing, package xparse provides a few flags to test if an argument is empty. Xparse is used to define interfaces for user commands.

Really depends on what you are trying to do in the end.
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Best of two tests for empty argument

Post by josephwright »

Test using \detokenize is expandable and therefore more general.
Joseph Wright
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