Page LayoutSpacing in a table of contents with many sections

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Spacing in a table of contents with many sections

Post by mgmillani »

Indeed, it is better just to add:

Code: Select all

to my .cls file than to change the tocstyle.sty. Since this command is the one causing the overwrites, changing it to nothing has the same effect as not calling it.

Thanks for the tip!

I didn't see your post before. Your method makes more sense. Unfortunately, I still need to redefine \tocstyle@dottedtocline}, as the dotted line must go until the page number, and I need the page number width for that.
Additionally, how would I customize \l@figure and \l@table with that? They appear to share the same features as the first depth of the TOC.
Last edited by mgmillani on Tue Dec 23, 2014 8:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Spacing in a table of contents with many sections

Post by Johannes_B »

Please don't do that. Package tocstyle needs to redefine the commands in order to provide hooks that you as the user can use. This like getting a mechanic to do some fixes but not allowing him to use a hammer.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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Spacing in a table of contents with many sections

Post by mgmillani »

mgmillani wrote: Additionally, how would I customize \l@figure and \l@table with that? They appear to share the same features as the first depth of the TOC.
Answering my own question: it is possible to use \settocfeature[toc][1]{entryhook}{\bfseries} instead of \settocstylefeature[1]{entryhook}{\bfseries} to change only the TOC. Using lot changes the list of tables and lof, the list of figures.
mgmillani wrote: Unfortunately, I still need to redefine \tocstyle@dottedtocline}, as the dotted line must go until the page number, and I need the page number width for that.
\settocstylefeature{pagenumberbox} is what I want for that.

I just defined the command:

Code: Select all

and used it in:

Code: Select all

The code is much cleaner now:

Code: Select all







Thanks for pointing this out!
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