Text FormattingSection* title in header

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Zoran S
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Section* title in header

Post by Zoran S »

In class book, when I made a section* with an asterisk (that is, a non-numbered section), its title does not appear in the header. There is still the title of the previous section (which is a regular one, so without *). How to make the title of a non-numbered section to be in the header?

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Section* title in header

Post by Johannes_B »

Hi and welcome,

that depends on the basic setup, which is not shown. My first guess would be setting it by hand by using \markright{section title}. I haven't tested this though.

If you want to have the section title in the table of contents as well, there is a simpler solution. Try out unnumberedtotoc.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Section* title in header

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Yes, \markright{section title} or \markboth{section title}{section title} would fix it. Of course it should go at the desired place within the document.

Genereally I prefer KOMA-Script classes, they provide a command \addsec for this purpose.

LaTeX.org admin
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