Conversion ToolsWord document with Endnote references to latex

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Word document with Endnote references to latex

Post by perplexa »


I have a huge Word document with about 100 references that I included with Endnote. (I started with Word to maintain comment bubbles for the references and to use track changes. However, I would now prefer to have the final version as a latex document to apply to the common standards.)

Somewhere in the text: Genes are coded in the DNA of an organism [1].


References (at the end of the document): 1. Watscon JD, Crick F, "Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids: A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid", Nature (1953)

Is there any possibility to convert the Word file into a LaTex file (while also transforming the references into proper LaTex references)?

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Word document with Endnote references to latex

Post by Johannes_B »

Hi and welcome,

there are existing converters from word to latex, but i guess they will mess up something. You need to carefully check the whole document. So, my advice. Let it be.

For your next project, use packages like todo-notes for in text comments and version control to keep track of changes (and save older versions).
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Re: Word document with Endnote references to latex

Post by perplexa »

Thanks. This will definately help me for the future.

Nevertheless, more help on my specific request would be appreciated.

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Word document with Endnote references to latex

Post by Johannes_B »

Sorry, i can't be of much help here, i haven't used W0rd in many many years.

Please have a look at transferring inline citations from MS word to LaTex and How can I convert from Microsoft Word to a LaTeX document.

I am not familiar with the way that you can input citations in W0rd. But as you wrote of Endnote, i know for sure that Endnote can convert your database to the BibTeX format (which is needed).

Word of advice: make a back up copy of your word file on a USB stick and put that in a drawer of your desk. Better save than sorry.
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Re: Word document with Endnote references to latex

Post by perplexa »

Thanks for all your efforts. Feels like I am coming closer to a solution. Keep you updated. THANKS!
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