GeneralFont change from 1.0 to 2.0?

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Font change from 1.0 to 2.0?

Post by salzrat »


I just upgraded from Texniccenter 1.0 alpha to 2.02.

I noticed that the fonts are different in the editor window. I prefer the old fonts though, so I switched back from Consolas to Courier New 10pt.

However, even if I use Courier New 10pt, the fonts look different to the old version. They are one pixel higher than previously, which looks weird somehow.

Could there be a problem with the aspect ratio in the editor window?

I selected exactly the same font (Courier New 10pt) in both versions, and in the font selection window they appear identical. But in the editor window, they look different. I have checked with a transparency script and overlaying the windows.


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