Text Formattinglabel for a question in exam class

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label for a question in exam class

Post by mshj »

how i can use label for a question in exam document class? you can see my goal in attach file
mshjExamChoice.png (9.11 KiB) Viewed 6826 times

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label for a question in exam class

Post by Johannes_B »

I am not sure what you want to know. You mention labels, but the picture shows something like choices to do multiple choice tests. Can you try to explain in one or two sentences what you are trying to achieve, maybe even showing a minimal working example?
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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label for a question in exam class

Post by StarValkyrie »

Code: Select all

\question[]my question? \\
it's reference
\choice one 
\choice two
\choice three
\choice four
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label for a question in exam class

Post by alainremillard »

If you are asking about cross-reference, they are done the same way latex does, with \label{tag} and \ref{tag}. You may have to run latex twice to get every reference right.

Code: Select all

\question[]my question? \label{myquestion} \\
it's a reference to question \ref{myquestion}
\choice one 
\choice two
\choice three
\choice four
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