I'm a long-time user of LaTeX and having tried different editors over the years, I now want to start using AUCTeX in Windows 7 with TexLive distribution. I've followed different guides to properly configure EMACS + AUCTeX, including Joachim Schlosser's guide to solve Admin problems such as the following:
Code: Select all
error: The directory `~/.emacs.d/server' is unsafe
I have EMACS installed in C:/Program Files/Emacs/. In the same folder I have unzipped AUCTeX's archive. The whole folder tree looks like this:
Code: Select all
|- .emacs.d
| |- auto-save-list
| |- server
| |init.el
|+ doc %(AUCTeX's documentation)
|- emacs-24.2
| |+ bin
| |+ etc
| |+ info
| |+ leim
| |+ lisp
| |+ site-lisp
| | BUGS
| | README.W32
|- info
| |auctex.info
| |auctex.info-1
| |auctex.info-2
| |dir
| |preview-latex.info
|- site-lisp
|- var