AUCTeXConfiguring AUCTeX in Windows 7 — environment variables?

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Configuring AUCTeX in Windows 7 — environment variables?

Post by pooja »

I'm a long-time user of LaTeX and having tried different editors over the years, I now want to start using AUCTeX in Windows 7 with TexLive distribution. I've followed different guides to properly configure EMACS + AUCTeX, including Joachim Schlosser's guide to solve Admin problems such as the following:

Code: Select all

error: The directory `~/.emacs.d/server' is unsafe 
I keep getting warnings regarding Admin privileges when I open EMACS as a simple User (without admin privileges). So far I haven't been able to successfully compile a single *.tex document with pdfLaTeX and display the pdf in an adjacent window. Can you help me fix the problem, please?

I have EMACS installed in C:/Program Files/Emacs/. In the same folder I have unzipped AUCTeX's archive. The whole folder tree looks like this:

Code: Select all

   |- .emacs.d
   |     |- auto-save-list
   |     |- server
   |     |init.el 
   |+ doc %(AUCTeX's documentation)
   |- emacs-24.2
   |  |+ bin
   |  |+ etc
   |  |+ info
   |  |+ leim
   |  |+ lisp
   |  |+ site-lisp
   |  |  BUGS
   |  |  COPYING
   |  |  README
   |  |  README.W32
   |- info
   |  |
   |  |   
   |  |
   |  |dir
   |  |
   |- site-lisp
   |- var
Please have a look at a snapshot of the EMACS warning window and my EMACS' init.el file (as a .txt file).
emacs config file
(14.6 KiB) Downloaded 865 times
emacs warnings
emacs warnings
emacs_warning.jpg (103.1 KiB) Viewed 22946 times
Last edited by pooja on Sun Oct 05, 2014 11:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Configuring AUCTeX in Windows 7 — environment variables?

Post by pooja »

Can anyone please help me configure AUCTex please? Which directory is best suited to install EMACS in (and therefore AUCTeX too)?
I've tried installing in C:/Program Files/Emacs/ , is this a wise choice?

The real trouble comes later on, when setting the environment variables' path-file. Should I write the following?

Code: Select all

HOME — C:/Program Files/Emacs/
PATH — C:\Program Files\Aspell\bin\;C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.09\bin\;C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\;
Please see the included snapshot.
environment variables of Control Panel
environment variables of Control Panel
environment_variables1.JPG (78.41 KiB) Viewed 22828 times
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Configuring AUCTeX in Windows 7 — environment variables?

Post by Johannes_B »

Hi pooja,

seems there are no Windows and Windows users around. All i can do is google the matter, but i can't test it.

Searching for auctex windows 7 leads me to a document by Uwe Siart. Installation von Emacs und AUCTeX unter Microsoft Windows.

If this doesn't help you, you can ask our friends over at TeX.SX. Please crosslink the questions.
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Configuring AUCTeX in Windows 7 — environment variables?

Post by pooja »

Hello Johannes_B,
I was about to delete the question because I managed to install EMACS and AUCTeX in Win7 by following Joachim Schlosser's video tutorial on YouTube even though I don't understand German.

However I still have problems regarding the pdf viewer. Instead of opening SumatraPDF, the pdf is opened in Acrobat Reader which doesn't allow inverse/forward search between the source *.tex file and the output *.pdf file. The italian LaTeX community guide to EMACS' configuration in Windows suggests to use Sumatra PDF as it is the only one that allows inverse/forward search and this feature is very important to me. I tried following the guide's suggested settings for the .emacs file and SumatraPDF options but even after restarting EMACS, the pdf is viewed in Acrobat Reader and of course the synchronization doesn't work.

I already have both Ghostview and Gostscript installed in Win7 (and TeXmaker, which I'm clinging to until I can master EMACS).
Would it be possible to have the handbook you linked me to in ENGLISH, please? It would be really useful then.
Thank you for your help.
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Configuring AUCTeX in Windows 7 — environment variables?

Post by Johannes_B »

Maybe Synctex and SumatraPDF in the Emacs Wiki can be of help.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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