Fonts & Character SetsChinese characters disappearing and a special character

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Chinese characters disappearing and a special character

Post by marek_step »

Hello all!

I have a long text with some Chinese characters. But some of them are "disappearing". These Chinese letters are coming by copy and paste from Internet. I put up a little example, in which one Chinese character is eaten in the pdf file after pdflatex test.tex

Included in this example is also a second question: I know how to make a special character with "breve" \u{o} - \u{a} but with an i it is working with the point on it. How to make a breve without the point?

Thank you for your help

Code: Select all






{\itshape ``china clay,''} 1727, from French {\itshape kaolin} (1712), from Chinese {\itshape Kao-ling}  (
\end{CJK*}, pinyin\footnote{Pinyin (Chinese: 
\end{CJK*}), formally Hanyu Pinyin (
\end{CJK*}), is the official phonetic system for transcribing the Mandarin pronunciations of Chinese characters into the Latin alphabet in China, Taiwan, and Singapore. It is often used to teach Standard Chinese and spell Chinese names in foreign publications and may be used as an input method to enter Chinese characters into computers.} G\={a}ol\u{i}ng), old-style transliteration of the name of a mountain in Jiangxi, China (near which it was originally dug up), from Chinese {\itshape gao ``high''} + {\itshape ling ``mountain, hill.''}


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Chinese characters disappearing and a special character

Post by marek_step »

A long while ago I asked this question. Looking up this subject with a search engine I found my unanswered question. Here it is, the answer:

1. Why are some Chinese Characters eaten up?

2. How to put an Caron on a "i" or "j" with out the dot?

Compile the following Code and you get the answer. Hope this helps some people out there:

Code: Select all



\usepackage[anythingbreaks]{breakurl} % This does not work but the following:
% breaks the long url in the text on / - and _ 

\newcommand{\zh}[4]{\zht{#1}/\zhs{#2} (\emph{#3}) ``#4''}


\section{How to include Chinese letters in your document}

{\itshape ``china clay,''} 1727, from French {\itshape kaolin} (1712), from Chinese {\itshape Kao-ling} (
, pinyin\footnote{Pinyin ( Chinese: 
), formally Hanyu Pinyin (
), is the official phonetic system for transcribing the Mandarin pronunciations of Chinese characters into the Latin alphabet in China, Taiwan, and Singapore. It is often used to teach Standard Chinese and spell Chinese names in foreign publications and may be used as an input method to enter Chinese characters into computers. comp. \url{}} G\={a}ol\v{\i}ng), old-style transliteration of the name of a mountain in Jiangxi, China (near which it was originally dug up), from Chinese {\itshape gao ``high''} + {\itshape ling ``mountain, hill.''} 

\section{An other suggestion inserting easily Chinese (simplified or traditional)}

This example I found on: \url{}

\zht{高岭 高嶺} And here is missing the last character, because it is not rendered in simplified environment (\verb!\begin{CJK}{UTF8}{gbsn} ... \end{CJK}!) but you need to put it in traditional (\verb!\begin{CJK}{UTF8}{bsmi} ... \end{CJK}!): 

\zhs{高岭 高嶺} <- WRONG!

An example of simplified Chinese Characters:\\ \zhs{简化字} or \zhs{导字社}

Here comes an example of traditional Characters:\footnote{The first characters are different to the example above.}\\ \zht{簡化字} or \zht{導字社}

And here an mixed example:\\Traditional Chinese/Simplified Chinese (Pinyin-Transcription) ``meaning'':\\
\zh{藝術}{艺术}{y\`{i} sh\`{u}}{art}

\section{How to set diacritical signs on i or j without the dot}

\noindent \u{o} = \verb! \u{o}! and \u{a} = \verb! \u{a}!

\noindent But:\\ \u{\i} = \verb! \u{\i}! and \u{\j} = \verb! \u{\j}!


But for Pinyin transcription of the pronunciation of Chinese characters in latin characters you need the Ha\v{c}ek (caron \v{}) not the rounded breve (\u{}) to represent the third tone:


\noindent \v{o} = \verb! \v{o}! and \v{a} = \verb! \v{a}!\footnote{comp. \url{}}


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Re: Chinese characters disappearing and a special character

Post by xuefang »


I am using TeXShop on OSX.
I run LaTex on your script but the chinese characters show up as ??

I am fairly new to LaTex, so I am not sure what else is missing.
I also tried using the \usepackage{CJK} instead of CJKutf8.

Many thanks,
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Re: Chinese characters disappearing and a special character

Post by Johannes_B »

I think it is easier to use XeLaTeX to type non Latin scripts.

You can type your chinese (or cyrillic or ...) characters directly. All you need is an opentype font (you need to specify that). I don't have any CJK fonts on my system right now, so i cannot check/test/provide a real solution.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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