GeneralLatex error: File 'x' not found

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Latex error: File 'x' not found

Post by nickjj »


I'm having an issue with TeXnicCenter. I am including png files for figures in my document using \includegraphics (I am using graphicx and subfigure). Everything was working fine but now no figures are showing up and I am getting a "File 'X' not found" error, even though the png files are in folder that the Latex document is in. Any idea of why this is happening? Is there a setting that tells TexnicCenter where to look for the files that could be directing to the wrong folder? Now none of the figures in any of my files will show up.


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Latex error: File 'x' not found

Post by Johannes_B »

First of all, package subfigure is deprecated and superseded by packages subfig or subcaption.

Why didn't you give the exact error message? I can only guess that you switched to latex -> dvi -> ps -> pdf somehow and the compiler is looking for eps images instead of png (or pdf or jpg).
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Latex error: File 'x' not found

Post by cgnieder »

Hi nickjj,

welcome to the LaTeX community.
nickjj wrote:I'm having an issue with TeXnicCenter. I am including png files for figures in my document using \includegraphics (I am using graphicx and subfigure). Everything was working fine but now no figures are showing up and I am getting a "File 'X' not found" error, even though the png files are in folder that the LaTeX document is in. Any idea of why this is happening? Is there a setting that tells TexnicCenter where to look for the files that could be directing to the wrong folder? Now none of the figures in any of my files will show up.
I don't believe this has anything to do with TeXnicCenter (and if it doesn't we might move this thread to an appropriate sub-forum). You can verify this by compiling from the command line. If the error still is the same then it is not your editor.

I assume you made sure there is no typo? Can you show a Infominimal working example that shows the behaviour?

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