Recently I'm working on a document which require `, ', " to be printed out literally however.
even though I used \verb+`+ and \verb+'+ and \verb+"+
I end up getting the replacement ‘ ’ (left and right quote symbols)
Anyone know a way to get around this?
General ⇒ Printing ` and ' literally problem
Printing ` and ' literally problem
take a look at The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List. Skimming through it I found that the textcomp package offers \textasciigrave to obatin `
take a look at The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List. Skimming through it I found that the textcomp package offers \textasciigrave to obatin `
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Printing ` and ' literally problem
Almost the same question was discussed in this thread.
The CTAN lion is an artwork by Duane Bibby. Courtesy of