Conversion Toolsdvi->pdf

Information and discussion about output converters related to LaTeX (e.g. dvips, ps2pdf, ...)
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Post by DLJohnson10 »

I am having problems converting a dvi file to pdf using WinEdt/MikTex. The dvi document looks fine on YAP and prints to paper fine but when I click "dvi pdf" on WinEdt I get a pdf, without complaints, but with some of the figures downshifted several inches such that they overlie the figure captions immediately below them. This pdf prints to paper this way, too. The same LaTex file used to work fine on my previous computer (both are Windows 7 machines) and the current file works fine when my coauthor processes it on his machine (also Windows 7).

If I do "dvi -> ps" then Distill the ps into pdf that also works fine. It was my understanding that dvi->pdf is just dvi->ps followed automatically by ps->pdf. Evidently not!

In a possibly related issue when I try to print to pdf from the YAP previewer I get "METAFONT mode mismatch" whatever that means.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Re: dvi->pdf

Post by Johannes_B »

There are several programs to convert a dvi to pdf, i lately experienced a problem using dvipdfmx.
With MikTeX comes a little program called ps2pdf which you can use to convert the ps file to pdf. There should be a feature (button) in your editor, but i am not sure. Never used WinEdt.

If you need a pdf at last, have you considered using pdflatex?
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