practicing with the example at page 11:
i'm getting an error,same in LyX and TeXMaker and writelatex
"undefined control sequence \R1 {510 \kOhm} l
when i change the code to:
\R1 {510 $k\Omega$}
l worked fine in all three editors.where is the mistake...?
Code: Select all
\documentclass{standalone}%\usepackage[european]{circuitikz}\usepackage[basic,box,gate,oldgate,ic,optics,physics]{circ}\begin{document}\begin{circuit}0\npn1 {?} B l % transistor\frompin npn1C % draw from collector\- 1 u % some wire\nl\A1 {$I_C$} u % amperemeter for current of collector\atpin npn1B % continue drawing from base\- 1 l % some wire\R1 {510 \kOhm} l\- 1 l % some wire to the edge\centerto A1 % draw centered to amperemeter 1\nl\A2 {$I_B$} u % amperemeter 2\frompin A2b % link amperemeter 2 with resistor\vtopin R1r\frompin A1t\- 1 u\.1 % junction\frompin A2t % wire to amperemeter 2\vtopin .1\htopin .1\- 1 u\cc\connection1 {$U_b$} c u % driving voltage\frompin npn1E\- 1 d\GND1 % ground\end{circuit}\end{document}