LyXError with LyX and siunitx:

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Error with LyX and siunitx:

Post by dpa2007 »

Hello,i am using MiTeX 2.9 with LyX.
I tried to use circuitikz with siunitx and i'm getting the error
! Package siunitx Error: Support package expl3 too old.
See the siunitx package documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.29 }
You need to update your installation of the bundles 'l3kernel' and 'l3packages'
Loading siunitx will abort!
i did re-install the l3packages and l3kernel
but the error continue.
I have re-install also siunitx.
where is the problem,does MikTeX needs update?
is l3 very old?
thanks in advanced.
ps:an example with the sample code:
\usepackage[width=16.00cm, height=22.00cm]{geometry}

(0,0) to[battery1, l=$V$] (0,2) -- (2,2)
to[R=$R_1$,*-*] (1,1)
to[R=$R_3$, *-*] (2,0) -- (0,0);

\draw (2,2) to[R=$R_2$, *-*] (3,1)
to[R=$R_4$, *-*] (2,0);
\draw (1,1) to[R=$R_5$, *-*] (3,1);

\draw[>=latex,->,color=magenta,text=black, thick] (0.6,1.9)
to[out=-0,in=-0] (1.4,1.9) to[out=8,in=70] (0.8,1)node[anchor=east]{$I_a$}
to[out=-70,in=-0] (1.4,0.1) to[out=-0,in=-0] (0.5,0.1);

\draw[>=latex,->,color=magenta,text=black, thick](1.7,1.3)arc(220:-50:0.4 and 0.15);

\draw[>=latex,<-,color=magenta,text=black, thick](1.7,0.8)arc(-220:50:0.4 and 0.15);

\filldraw[fill=black] (2,1.5) circle(0pt)node[anchor=south]{$I_b$};
\filldraw[fill=black] (2,0.78) circle(0pt)node[anchor=north]{$I_c$};

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Re: Error with LyX and siunitx:

Post by scottkosty »

I don't think this will solve your problem, but remember that whenever you change/update your TeX installation, go to Tools > Reconfigure so that LyX will be aware of any changes.
Posts: 16
Joined: Sat Apr 19, 2014 1:39 pm

Re: Error with LyX and siunitx:

Post by dpa2007 »

Thank your for your answer.
I will reconfigure LyX.
LyX installation is under Program Files and not under C:\
is it possible to solve the problem a new installation under c:\
does anyone knows any problem with paths that have spaces?
not LyX but circuitikz?
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