Hi, I want to create a matrix with a custom border. I'm pretty new to latex. This is what I have in mind: <polynum.png>.
I found a reference http://www.tex.ac.uk/ctan/info/math/vos ... thmode.pdf, in which section 5 discusses how to use \bordermatrix to get [ ] or { } instead of the regular ( ) border. Maybe the implementation given there could be used as a starting point; however it looks very complicated to me. Before I start trying to understand that wall of commands, I want to hear someone's comment on this whole matter.
Also I found these symbols: \urcorner, \llcorner.
Math & Science ⇒ Custom matrix border
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Tue Jul 22, 2014 9:43 pm
Custom matrix border
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- polynum.png (1.03 KiB) Viewed 7595 times
Custom matrix border
Here is a suggestion using tikz
Best regards
Code: Select all
\node[inner sep=1pt,#1](h){$\displaystyle#2\mathstrut$};
\draw([xshift=.25em]h.south west)--(h.south west)--(h.north west)
--(h.north east)--([yshift=-.25em]h.north east);
A & = \mborder{\begin{matrix}x_1 &x_2\\ y_1&y_2\end{matrix}}
- Stefan Kottwitz
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Re: Custom matrix border
Hi JoelSjogren,
welcome to the forum!
Yes, Elke is a TikZ wizard, I often see her TikZ magic where basic LaTeX is not enough.
TikZ is a package with really a lot of capabilities, but don't hesitate to use it also for such small things.
welcome to the forum!
Yes, Elke is a TikZ wizard, I often see her TikZ magic where basic LaTeX is not enough.

TikZ is a package with really a lot of capabilities, but don't hesitate to use it also for such small things.
LaTeX.org admin
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Tue Jul 22, 2014 9:43 pm
Re: Custom matrix border
I'll look into that package some more. I heard of it before when I needed to draw intervals and it seems useful