I frequently use the Command-1 key shortcut to switch between editing and preview. One problem is that every once in a while I hit Command-Q by mistake (it is just one key away on the keyboard). TeXShop then instantly quits without further warning. There is no permanent damage, but reopening the file and setting up the preview options I like, finding the place in the document I was working, etc. all take time.
Any ideas appreciated.
(Mac OS 10.8.3, TeXShop 3.14)
TeXShop ⇒ Warning on Quit
Re: Warning on Quit
You can modify the shortcut in System Preferences > Keyboard > Application Shortcuts (or something like that, I am on a french computer). Then, click on +, choose TeXShop application. The title of the command is Source ⇔ Preview and then you can modify the shortcut as you want.
Re: Warning on Quit
When I read Namrod's reply, I was hoping that System Preferences > Keyboard > Application Shortcuts would let me force TeXShop to open a "Do you really want to quit?" window every time I hit Command-Q. No such luck.
So, I guess this is a feature request for TeXShop: Can we put in such a confirm-to-quit for the reasons that jseligma mentioned? Of course, it would have to be optional, because some people would hate it. But it would same jseligma, me, and countless others a lot of time. (Or is there some better place I can post feature requests?)
So, I guess this is a feature request for TeXShop: Can we put in such a confirm-to-quit for the reasons that jseligma mentioned? Of course, it would have to be optional, because some people would hate it. But it would same jseligma, me, and countless others a lot of time. (Or is there some better place I can post feature requests?)