Since two weeks I am trying to separate the Acronym list of my Glossary with no avail. Here a minimal example with the name of "acron_test.tex":
Code: Select all
\title{How to Create a Glossary with a separate List of Acronyms}
\section{Chapter with Glossary}
\Gls{earthenware} was burned in \glspl{kiln}.
\section{Chapter with Acronyms}
Shang period (ca. $16^{th}$ - $11^{th}$ century \gls{bce}) ...
The mantou \gls{kiln} (or round kiln), a type traditional in north China, is named for its shape, like a steamed bun. The earliest examples, derived from the primitive cave \glspl{kiln}, were built in the early Shang period (ca. $16^{th}$ - $11^{th}$ century \gls{bce}). It developed into a semi-down-draft kiln in the Tang dynasty (618 - 907 \gls{ace}), and matured in the Song dynasty ( 960 - 1127 \gls{ce}).
%Print the glossary
%\printacronyms % not working
Some text between the list of acronyms and the glossary.
\printglossary[title=Multilingual Glossary,toctitle=Multilingual Glossary]
Code: Select all
%Term definitions
description={German: Brennofen (m.);\\Français: fourneau (m.)},
description={German: Steingut (n.);\\Français: fa\"{\i}ence (f.)},
%Acronym definitions:
\newacronym[description={Or if you want ``before Jesus Christ''}]{bce}{BCE}{Before Common Era}
\newacronym[description={Or if you want ``after Jesus Christ''}]{ce}{CE}{Common Era}
\newacronym[description={Or if you want ``after Jesus Christ'', which is exactly the same as ``CE''}]{ace}{ACE}{After Common Era}
Code: Select all
pdflatex acron_test
makeglossaries acron_test
pdflatex acron_test
I would be very grateful for a hint.