Page LayoutAnnex Layout

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Annex Layout

Post by sw3quant »

I am using the package "appendix". My MWE is below.

On the page of the annex I get "A Blah" followed by a the rest of the page empty and then the pdf document starting on the next page.

I have two formatting questions:

1. How do I get it to write "Appendix A: Blah"?
2. How do I get it to shrink the first page of the PDF document by the correct amount, so that I the "Appendix A: blah" occurs and then the document is straight away below it? Ie I dont get a whole empty page. (I assume this means I will have the first page of the PDF a different size to the subsequent pages).

many thanks

Code: Select all

\lhead{\fancyplain{}{Blah Ltd.}}
\includepdf[pages=-, frame=true, scale=0.8, pagecommand={}]{D:/blah.pdf}
\subsection{\textcolor{blue}{Blah Blah}}
\includepdf[pages=-, frame=true, scale=0.8, pagecommand={}]{D:/blahblah.pdf}

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Annex Layout

Post by Johannes_B »

Includepdf always puts the original contents on their own page. But you could use \includegraphics instead.
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Re: Annex Layout

Post by sw3quant »

Are you suggesting that I convert the PDF into an image first and then include?

If so the loss of vectorised format sounds like it would not look so good for presentation purposes.

Many thanks!
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Annex Layout

Post by cgnieder »

sw3quant wrote:Are you suggesting that I convert the PDF into an image first and then include?
You can include PDFs with \includegraphics just like an image:

Code: Select all

This way you can use trim, clip, scale and whatever other graphicx option you want to fit the included PDF the way you need it.

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