I took the liberty to modify your code, here is a compilable example.
Code: Select all
% adjust the page margins
\address{University}{Department of city, state, zip}
%{{{1 Colors, title, etc.
\cventry{1973}{High school studies}{}{}{}{}
\cventry{July 1980}{MS}{University}{}{}{}
\cventry{August 1985}{Doctor of Philosophy}{Unin}{}{}{}
\cvlanguage{ English, French}{}{}
\cventry{}{Fullbright Fellowship}{}{}{}{}
\cventry{1980--81}{Teaching Assistant}{University of }{}{}{}
\cventry{1981--85}{Teaching Assistant}{University of }{}{}{}
\cventry{1985--86}{Professor}{University }{}{}{}
Sadly there is no documentation for the package moderncv, but here a few things I notice about your code
First the newline
had to be remove in the address.
take 6 arguemnts. Arguments 3 to 6 can be left empty, but the braces are needed.
Code: Select all
Finaly, there is other commands, the list is not complete
Code: Select all
\cvitemwithcomment{Language 1}{Skill level}{Comment}
\cvlanguage{french}{written and spoken}{}
Have a look at template.tex from
http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/ ... v/examples
This is a complete example that show a lot of options.
I hope it help
Alain Rémillard