I'm finalising my bibliography in Latex (I use Texmaker) and stumbled upon some problems. I use Jabref to produce a file to be read by texmaker (my .bib file). There, I changed the Bibtexkey to 'adkins'. In one of my chapters I had written Adkins as cite, so I changed it to adkins too. But now I get a question mark instead of the citation. I deleted the auxiliary file of my main file (but not of the chapter its file) without a result.
Another problem I'm facing is that Texmaker states that the word 'intro' is not a Bibtexkey in my Jabref .bib file. But if I open the .bib file into Texmaker I do see the Bibtexkey 'intro'.
Can anyone be my guide on this discovery of Bibtex? All the other references and bibliography (27 pieces) seem to work out okay without a problem.
This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (MiKTeX 2.9 64-bit) The top-level auxiliary file: Samenstelling.aux Case mismatch error between cite keys adkins and Adkins ---line 74 of file Samenstelling.aux : \citation{adkins : } I'm skipping whatever remains of this command The style file: plain.bst Illegal, another \bibstyle command---line 218 of file Samenstelling.aux : \bibstyle : {plain} I'm skipping whatever remains of this command Database file #1: referenties.bib Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "intro"