Page LayoutBeamer problem

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Beamer problem

Post by GedC »

I'm trying to get into using Beamer. I need to because I'm teaching part of a short course next September.

It all seems quite straightforward in terms of syntax etc but I can't get "off the ground", if you know what I mean. TeXnicCentre is not producing any output and it's displaying the error message "File beamer.sty not found". I Googled beamer.sty and yet I can't seem to find the file anywhere.

I am using MikTeX2.9 on a Windows XP machine.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Beamer problem

Post by Johannes_B »

Use MikteX package manager to istall missing packages and updates existing ones.
There is also the on-the-fly installation you need to activate somewhere in the settings. This can leave you with a strange system, if you installed MikTeX as admin.
Simpler method would be to install a complete MikTeX.

btw: I hope you are using Texniccenter version 2
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Re: Beamer problem

Post by GedC »

Thanks for your reply.

I went into the MikTeX package manager and updated everything with "beamer" in it. I installed TeXnicCentre v2 and I'm still getting the same error message about "File beamer.sty not found",

Also I reinstalled MikTeX this afternoon so now everything is new.

I am tempted to delete the lot and reinstall everything again from scratch. If I do this, which version of MikTeX2.9 should I install? This afternoon I used the basic-miktex2.9.5105 package : is there a different one to install the full version that you mention in your reply
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Beamer problem

Post by Johannes_B »

Yes, there is a huge difference. The basic install only contains the most important (or basic) packages, the full install includes them all. That is the default with TeXLive, always installing a full set.This will take up a maximum of 4 GB, but hard disk space is really cheap now and you don't have to worry anymore.

Most TeX supporters recommend TeXLive, i am one of them. It is maintained by the users. You can download it at TUG.

One additional advice: Have a look at my signature. There is no need to hurry, just keep calm.
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Re: Beamer problem

Post by GedC »

Hi Johannes

Many thanks for your advice

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