MiKTeX and proTeXtFatal Error when compiling to PDF

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Fatal Error when compiling to PDF

Post by semrana »

i am using Miktex 2.7 and Texnicenter 1.50beta, when i compile any file even IEEE provided template following errors occur and no output is produced:
-----------------------Output Profile:Latex => PDF---------
!You are attempting to make a LaTeX format from a source file
!That is more than five years old.
!If you enter <return> to scroll past this message then the format
!will be built, but please consider obtaining newer source files
!before continuing to build LaTeX.
!Latex source files more than 5 years old!.
!1.545...aTeX source files more than 5 years old!)

!Fatat error occured, no output PDF file produced!
Transcript written on pdflatex.log.
makefmt:pdftex failed on pdflatex.ini
initexf.EXE: The operation failed for some reason.
I can't find the default format file!
kindly help me.

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Re: Fatal Error when compiling to PDF

Post by localghost »

Update your complete TeX installation as well as your editor. You are working with ancient versions. Current version of MiKTeX is 2.9 with TeXworks 0.4.3 incorporated as easy-to-use editor. And there is at least TeXnicCenter (TXC) 1 RC1 or try TXC2alpha3 (Build 1118). Get used to keeping your TeX system and other essential components up to date.

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Fatal Error when compiling to PDF

Post by semrana »

okay i will update Miktex and editor but what about this last "fatal error"? why friend is using same versions and everything is working fine on his machine.
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Re: Fatal Error when compiling to PDF

Post by localghost »

As far as I remember the LaTeX Kernel (file »latex.ltx«) is involved. Its version seems to be important. Perhaps your friend has a more up-to-date version of this file. Nevertheless, a complete update is indicated.
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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Re: Fatal Error when compiling to PDF

Post by semrana »

MANY THANKS SIR... problem solved i simply updated miktex and editor and it worked... :mrgreen:
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Re: Fatal Error when compiling to PDF

Post by scotttyo »

Every time I install MikTex, I get this exact same error when I try to build the pdflatex and the lualatex format files. This has happened to me at least three times in the last three months, as I've done new installations due to a change in job. Just last night I downloaded the current release of MikTex (I tried both the 32- and 64-bit versions) to a brand new computer that had never seen a latex installation, and I got this error (you are attempting to make a LaTeX format from a source file that is more than five years old).

I have managed to get around this several times, through repeated uninstall and reinstall.

To be clear, just yesterday:

I downloaded the basic MikTex installer (2.9.5104 32-bit) to a brand new computer.

I installed TexNicCenter (2.02 stable).

i updated all of the packages in MikTex using the MikTex update.

I added my local root directory.

When I tried to rebuild pdflatex, and when I tried to include lualatex, I got the error listed above.

I unstalled MikTex, and reinstalled using the same procedure, no help.

I uninstalled again, and reinstalled the 64-bit version, and got the same errors.

Please do not reply to this saying I am an idiot because I have ancient installation files. Please send me something useful as to why a brand new download of the most recent versions is failing to properly build.
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Fatal Error when compiling to PDF

Post by Johannes_B »

I am not quite sure what you are doing.

You tried to be informative, but a bit more attention would have been better ;-)
Did you just download MikTeX, or did you also install it.

After the installation, the editor texworks will be available to you. Please run this minimal code.

Code: Select all

Hello scotttyo

If this works, great. Good starting point.

Now, you said something about your root directory. Where is this coming from, and what is in there? What happens when compiling the example after adding this directory?

Is there any reason, why you are trying to rebuild the formats? Those are build/shipped with the installation.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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