The lack of replies might be caused by other people being busy with their own problems

and maybe also by you using a package with french
documentation which reduces the number of people able to read it (I think I kind of understand it, but it takes me much longer than a plain english manual would, especially since I have to read everything because I don't know what to search for

That being said, I have a few tips to get the alignment at least a little better:
Code: Select all
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, fleqn]{article}
\begin{tikzpicture}[double distance=0.04cm]
\tkzTabInit[color,espcl=3.5, lgt=2.3,deltacl=1]{$x$ /1,Convexité\\ de $\left(\mathcal{C}_f\right)$ /2}%
{$- \infty$, $a$, $+\infty$}%
\draw (N21) to (M12);
\draw (N21) to (M22);
- Changed
to /2
after "Convexité de C_f", this is simply the height of the row in cm
- moved the comma's before convexe and after concave between the words and the point d'inflexion, this moves these words to the left and right side of the box instead of cramped up in the middle
- added the
option, which sets the margin before the first and after the last item
So all in all, as you're writing a french text I'd expect you to be able to at least understand the french manual, and the best summary of this post is RTFM

on page 10 it clearly displays graphically which option sets which length, you don't even have to understand a single word in the rest of the manual to understand that

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