Thanks very much for your answer! I was writing up the ToC for the first chapter and all was going well until I tried to put in the final subsubsection of the aforementioned first chapter - it simply will not show up when I typeset the code if I put 18 as the page number (in reality it's page 19 but the 18th page relative to the ToC - I've noticed I had to put my page number arguments as 1 less than the actual number)!
It will show up if I put 17 as it's page number but this leads to my ToC being wrong....
I have a sneaking suspicion this has something to do with the last subsubsection being on the last page of the document...
I've included my code and 3 screenshots (apologies for not resizing but otherwise the only way I can do it is to make everything illegible!) - any help would be appreciated
Code: Select all
1,section,1,L'espace $R^n$,p1,
1,subsection,2, L'espace vectoriel $R^n$,p2,
5,subsection,2,L'espace normé $R^n$,p2,
7,subsection,2,Sous-ensembles de $R^n$,p2,
9,subsection,2,Suites dans $R^n$,p2,
11,subsection,2,Fonctions continues,p2,
13,subsection,2,Applications linéaires,p2,
13,subsubsection,3,Applications linéaires $R^n \rightarrow R^n$,p2,
14,subsubsection,3,Applications linéaires entre des espaces normés,p2,
14,subsubsection,3,Applications linéaires dans un espace euclidien,p2,
15,subsection,2,Addendum - Les matrices rechargées,p2,
15,subsubsection,3,Matrices carrées réelles,p2,
16,subsubsection,3,Matrices carrées complexes,p2,
17,subsubsection,3,Notions générales et théorie spectrale,p2,
18,subsubsection,3,Théorie spectrale des matrices hermitiennes,p2}]{PH2-chap01.pdf}