Community talkLooking for (La)TeX-related feeds for a community aggregator

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Looking for (La)TeX-related feeds for a community aggregator

Post by propell »

Dear LaTeX community,

I am currently working on a web site dedicated to TeX and friends:
One idea I have for the site is to provide an RSS feed aggregator that aggregates rss/atom feeds from people that are writing about tex-related topics. The idea is to make it easier for people to track what people are writing about (La)TeX.

A preliminary version of the aggregator is available at and (RSS feed)

Currently only two feeds are aggregated and I am looking for more to add. So does anyone of you have a feed that you want to include or know of blog/websites that offer a TeX-oriented feed?

Best regards,
Kjell Magne Fauske

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Re: Looking for (La)TeX-related feeds for a community aggregator

Post by localghost »

Great new site! And immediately bookmarked. Unfortunately I don't know any other feeds (at the moment), but I will report in case of changes. These two ones you introduced have made it into an RSS account of my Thunderbird and will do so as dynamic bookmark in my Firefox.

Best regards and thanks for this great contribution
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Re: Looking for (La)TeX-related feeds for a community aggregator

Post by propell »

Thanks Thorsten for your kind words. is a work in progress, but I figured it was best to release early and add features and design over time.

With the feed aggregator you actually only have to subscribe to the feed at to read both feeds :)

Kjell Magne
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Re: Looking for (La)TeX-related feeds for a community aggregator

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

It's nice to see that is growing! I'm glad to contribute a feed.

Stefan admin
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