Hello all, I am trying to write a simple layout for the PNAS Article in LYX (2.1). I tried to use the Article.layout as a starting point but I was not successful. I also tried to import the PNAS tempalte.tex into lyx but always got errors during the tex import. I am now stuck and do not know what to do. Your help would be most appreciated.
Please not that the required pnastwoF.sty and pnastwo.cls are in the right place under /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/PNAS, I am using Debian 7, and lyx does not complain about any of these two classes/styles.
Please see the following link for the PNAS journal's Latex templates and classes:
or see the attached files.
Thanks for your help in advance.
LyX ⇒ PNAS layout in lyx
PNAS layout in lyx
- Attachments
- PNAS LaTeX Template
- (8.24 KiB) Downloaded 289 times
- Sample .TEX file
- (15.53 KiB) Downloaded 292 times
- pnastwo.cls
- PNAS Class File
- (97.8 KiB) Downloaded 284 times
- pnastwoF.sty
- PNAS Style File
- (10.24 KiB) Downloaded 332 times
PNAS layout in lyx
Just an update on error faced.
I had to disable the following in the preamble:
and used a simple layout as follows:
With normal (standard) text in the document I get no errors. When I try to add Titles or Authors I get the very annoying error below:
Any Idea what is going wrong?
I still need to continue trying to sort this out until hopefully get some feedback from someone with better expertise in LATEX and LYX than myself.
I had to disable the following in the preamble:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
# \DeclareLaTeXClass[pnastwo]{article (Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, PNAS)}
# Input general definitions
Input stdclass.inc
Code: Select all
Missing Number, treated as zero.
A number should have been here; I inserted `0'.
(If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number,
look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.)
I still need to continue trying to sort this out until hopefully get some feedback from someone with better expertise in LATEX and LYX than myself.
PNAS layout in lyx
Another update:
I found the following forum http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/ ... nt-find-hv in which the font-related problem are solved. Now I can activate the line : \usepackage{pnastwoF} in permeable.
Now lyx preamble look as following with no errors:
I found the following forum http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/ ... nt-find-hv in which the font-related problem are solved. Now I can activate the line : \usepackage{pnastwoF} in permeable.
Now lyx preamble look as following with no errors:
Code: Select all
%% For PNAS Only:
\issuedate{Issue Date}
\issuenumber{Issue Number}
\setcounter{page}{2687} %Set page number here if desired
PNAS layout in lyx
One more update:
Regarding the title and author error. I did the following to g round the above problem:
Simply use the following command in lyx instead of using the title, author etc from the menu.
It seems that the PNAS class do not like the way how lyx handels thecommand.
I must mention that I also tried both inserting Tables, Figures and Bibliographies and all worked fine.
Regarding the title and author error. I did the following to g round the above problem:
Simply use the following command in lyx instead of using the title, author etc from the menu.
Code: Select all
\title{Almost sharp fronts for the surface geostrophic equation}
\author{Roberta Graff\affil{1}{University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom}, Javier de Ruiz Garcia\affil{2}{Universidad de Murcia, Bioquimica y Biologia Molecular, Murcia, Spain}, \and Franklin Sonnery\affil{2}{}}
\contributor{Submitted to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America}
\maketitle % The \maketitle command is necessary to build the title page
It seems that the PNAS class do not like the way how lyx handels the
Code: Select all
I must mention that I also tried both inserting Tables, Figures and Bibliographies and all worked fine.