entry that seems to get an extra comma, like the following:I would very much like to remove this extra comma, can anyone help me with understanding how to edit the style file such that it is not shown? This might just be a question of deleting the apparent print of a field that is not set.
The minimal working example used to show this:
Code: Select all
I now refer to \citet{Wondratschek2006}.
Code: Select all
author = {Wondratschek, H.},
booktitle = {International Tables for Crytallography Volume A: Space-group symmetry},
chapter = {8.1},
edition = {1st online},
editor = {Hahn, T.},
pages = {720--725},
publisher = {International Union of Crystallography},
title = {{Basic concepts}},
year = {2006}}
Thank you so much in advance for anyone spending time on this, it's immensely appreciated!