I have a problem with the glossaries package with the option acronym.
I am using texmaker on windows.
I modified the makeindex command with:
Code: Select all
makeindex %.idx %.glo -t %.glg -s %.ist -o %.gls %.acn
pdflatex -- makeindex -- pdflatex -- pdflatex
The problem is that I cannot print the list of the acronym as separated by the glossary in two separated sections.
I managed to print "only" the main glossaries with acronyms and glossary entries together
this is the code I used:
Code: Select all
description={Bla Bla}}
\newacronym{TEM}{TEM}{scanning electron microscope}
\newacronym{lVm}{LVM}{Logical Volume Manager}
\chapter{Chap One}
Ciao\acrshort{lVm} Ciao\gls{TEM} Ciao\gls{parola}
instead of the two separated commands \printglossary[type=\acronymtype]
and \printglossary
, but nothing changed.How can I do?