I use LaTeX in both Ubuntu (Kile) and Mac (TeXMaker). In Ubuntu I can add a relative location to my .bib file. However, in Mac, the relative location does not work, which implies that I need to copy my .bib file in the folder where my .tex is compiling. This is not very practical. Does anyone know if this is a Mac issue? or editor issue (I have tried with TeX Shop and TeX Works to no avail)? Any solution easy to implement?
Thats a relative path from your tex-file. So the tex would be located in the same depth as the home folder, right? Is the myhome spelling correct on both machines? Did you try to type in the path directly (not with newcommand)?
Can you post the complete *.blg file output by biber?
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
I don't understand quite well what you mean by by being "located at the same depth as the home folder". I have a very "hierarchical" (don't know how to call it) folder structure. I create a folder for each chapter of my thesis. So my .tex file is going to be in the respective chapter folder. The structure is particular to each machine and I have two working \addbibliography lines that I comment and uncomment as I move between machines (Ubuntu at home, Mac at work).
myhome is not the actual name for the folder I put it just for the sake of the example; but yes the actual folder name is correctly spelled in my .tex document.
Finally I typed the path directly and didn't work, then decided to try the newcommand line to see if it made a difference. I didn't, though.