GeneralTeXnicCenter simply shutting down! No error message.

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TeXnicCenter simply shutting down! No error message.

Post by ConSeannery »


I encountered a huge problem with TexnicCenter. To make it short: It's not working AT ALL.
When I try to create a new empty project TexcnicCenter simply shuts down without ANY error message whatsoever. When I name my empty project "Test" the only files that get created before the program shuts down are:
- Test.tcp
- Test.tex

Not sure if this is all that's supposed to be created for an empty project. Nontheless, the major problem is the program simply shutting down.

I can't even open existing .tex files (created with an older TexnicCenter version). The same happens.

My OS is Win7 64 Bit. I tried both the 32bit and the 64bit MikTex distribution and installed them in C:\MikTex.

Not sure what's going on here. Google was not help either.
I would really appreciate any help!

Thanks a lot!

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TeXnicCenter simply shutting down! No error message.

Post by Johannes_B »

You are not telling us which version of TexnicCenter you are using.

I advise you to do as every Wind0ws user often does. Uninstall the program, reboot your system and install texniccenter again. Be aware, that TXC 2.0 is stable and should be used without hesitating over version 1.0

If the problem persists, try to open the program via the terminal, i hope there will be some useful information. The maintainer would be greateful for feedback: Texniccenter support.
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TeXnicCenter simply shutting down! No error message.

Post by ConSeannery »

Johannes_B wrote:You are not telling us which version of TexnicCenter you are using.

I advise you to do as every Wind0ws user often does. Uninstall the program, reboot your system and install texniccenter again. Be aware, that TXC 2.0 is stable and should be used without hesitating over version 1.0

If the problem persists, try to open the program via the terminal, i hope there will be some useful information. The maintainer would be greateful for feedback: Texniccenter support.
TexnicCenter 2.02 64Bit. But I also tried with the 32 Bit version.
Uninstalling and rebooting didn't help. How do I go about creating a TexnicCenter project via the command line? Or what do you mean with "terminal"?
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TeXnicCenter simply shutting down! No error message.

Post by Johannes_B »

Just starting the application from a terminal, by typing the command instead of double clicking on a button.

Press <STRG + R>, type cmd and hit enter. A black box should open; now type the name of the executable (you might have to look it up in a link) and hit enter again. TXC should start.

Do you know anybody using LaTeX? This could be something fixed within 2 minutes when sitting just in front of the machine.

An alternative to TXC could be txstudio
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TeXnicCenter simply shutting down! No error message.

Post by ConSeannery »

Johannes_B wrote:Just starting the application from a terminal, by typing the command instead of double clicking on a button.

Press <STRG + R>, type cmd and hit enter. A black box should open; now type the name of the executable (you might have to look it up in a link) and hit enter again. TXC should start.

Do you know anybody using LaTeX? This could be something fixed within 2 minutes when sitting just in front of the machine.

An alternative to TXC could be txstudio
Ok, I wasn't sure that terminal = command prompt. Launching TXC from the command prompt/terminal works. But double clicking it works, too. It isn't until I try to open a tex file or try to create a project that TXC shuts down.
I don't know anybody who is familiar with TXC. So I decided to switch to TexMaker. That seems to works just fine so far.
Anyhow, thanks for chiming in.
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