Math & ScienceAlign Equations

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Align Equations

Post by sw3quant »

I have some latex code:

Code: Select all

{\cal{G}}(x_{(:,1)},{\bf W})\\
{\cal{G}}(x_{(:,T)},{\bf W})
{\bf W}^T
\end{bmatrix} \\
{\bf Y} &= {\cal{G}}({\bf X},{\bf W}) &+ {\boldsymbol \epsilon}& =& {\bf W}^T{\bf \Phi({\bf X})} + {\boldsymbol \epsilon}
which gives,
latex.jpg (38.45 KiB) Viewed 4936 times
in my code I wish to align the symbols. For example, I have a coloumn vector of y's. I wish to align this centrally with bold Y. I then also wish to align centrally with the equals sign. And also align centrally with the next set of expressions and so on.

I thought I could do this by using & symbol, but I dont seem able to. Can anyone help? thank you

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Align Equations

Post by tom »


You have to be a bit more careful with the alignments (&). Make sure they match in both lines. Now for central alignment of cells, that's a different story. I don't think there is a simple way using align*. You might be able to do it using {array} instead.

Code: Select all


\begin{bmatrix}{\cal{G}}(x_{(:,1)},{\bf W})\\\vdots\\{\cal{G}}(x_{(:,T)},{\bf W})\end{bmatrix}
{\bf W}^T
\begin{bmatrix}\epsilon_1\\\vdots\\\epsilon_T\end{bmatrix} \\
{\bf Y} &= {\cal{G}}({\bf X},{\bf W})&+& {\boldsymbol \epsilon}&= &{\bf W}^T{\bf \Phi({\bf X})} &+& {\boldsymbol \epsilon}
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