TeXShopGetting started with EasyChair

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Getting started with EasyChair

Post by Aclassifier »


I am running TeXShop 3.18. I have downloaded the EasyChair class. I have moved all the EasyChair files (the class file) to "/Applications/TeX/easychair".

I assume that I should take a copy of the "easychar.tex" file and move it to a directory where I have my source files. I basically pasted the contents of "easychair.tex" into TeXShop and saved it as "/Users/teig/Documents/Articles/nextpaper_based_on_easychair.tex".

But when I try to typeset I get all kind or errors around not finding "easychair.cls". I have tried to set the paths but that does not help. It's probably around here:

Code: Select all

But it sounds very strange to me that I should have to edit a source files for paths to includes. I plan to edit this file at home and at work, and the paths would vary a lot.

As a beginner I am stranded already here (I have tried to search the internet and read the documents).

And finally "The EasyChair Class File Documentation and Guide for Authors".

Aclassifier, Trondheim, Norway
Last edited by localghost on Sun Nov 24, 2013 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Getting started with EasyChair

Post by josephwright »

You are using a Mac, so assuming MacTeX you need to add the files (.cls, etc.) to ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/easychair. The Library folder may be hidden in Finder, depending on your OS version and settings: hold down Option while you choose the Go menu in Finder to get the option to open the Library folder. You will need to make at least some of the structure (Library/texmf/ should exist).
Joseph Wright
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Re: Getting started with EasyChair

Post by Aclassifier »

Thanks. I did as you suggested; move them to "/Library/texmf/tex/latex/easychair", but I am afraid it did not help.

Do I still have to tell its position to TeXShop? How?
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