I*m working on write my master thesis. I'm writing using the university format but I have faced a problem in writing the abbreviations using nomencl package. I'm working on Windows Vista with TeXnicCenter (TXC) editor.
I*m calling all chapters of thesis from one file with
command. I am focused here on the use of abbreviations. The main file is this.Code: Select all
% The following file defines margins and text width
% The following file defines the settings for including List of Abbreviations
% The following file defines the inclusion of packages and some other required commands
% The following file defines the title, author, advisers etc.
% The following file creates 2 blank pages
% The following file defines the dedication page
% The following file defines the acknowledgments
% The following file defines the list of abbreviations
% The following file defines the Thesis abstract
% The following file defines the contents of Chapter One of the Thesis
Code: Select all
\renewcommand{\nomname}{List of abbreviations}
Code: Select all
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\, \, \, LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS}{\pageref{loa}}
\nomenclature{LED}{Light Emitting Diode}
\nomenclature{MOS}{Metal Oxide Semiconductor}
\nomenclature{PC}{Personal Computer}
\printnomenclature [2.5 cm]
Your help is highly appreciated