makeindex -s $ -t $basename.glg -o $basename.gls $basename.glo
This generates the error:
Index style file -t mwe.glg not found.
Usage: C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin\x64\makeindex.exe
[-ilqrcgLT] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...]
The presence of "mwe" indicates that the $basename variable is being properly expanded. The "Usage" text indicates that the style file should follow the -s switch and have an ".ist" extenion. I checked that this file exists. The message also seems to indicate that the two words coming after ".ist" is being interpreted as the style file, so obviously it's overlooking $ I confirmed that there is no typographical error in "-s $".
Is there anything further that I can try to make this work? I am in a locked down environment, so installing anything is just not feasible. I have cygwin Perl, but I want to make the non-Perl solution work because I've run into snafus in the past with invoking cygwin executables from a Windows, with path name issues and carriage-return/linefeed issues.
I've attached a minimum working example. Thanks.
Code: Select all
\glslongpluralkey=mean times between failures
]{mtbf}{MTBF}{mean time between failures}
\gls{mtbf} \gls{mtbf}
\glspl{mtbf} \glspl{mtbf}
\Gls{mtbf} \Gls{mtbf}
\Glspl{mtbf} \Glspl{mtbf}